Section of General Dentistry

Section of General Dentistry provides undergraduate students with education outlined in dental clinics, and the dental practice management gives clinical dental training for the doctors who just graduated from dental school as clinical residents. In the clinic, patients who visit our hospital for the first time receive an initial examination to be assigned to the most suitable department. In our section, we give comprehensive dental treatment for relatively simple cases. We also take care of a preventive dental care such as tooth brushing instruction and scaling. Our halitosis clinic measures the oral malodor and provides further treatment.

Current Research projects
1. Relationship between systemic and periodontal diseases.
2. Effect of periodontopathic bacteria on host defense cells.
3. Strategy for prevention and therapeutic intervention of oral malodor.
4. Relationship between halitosis and psychological status.
5. Development of new antibacterial dental materials.
6. Research on periodontal regeneration.